Wednesday, June 6, 2007

And so it begins...

After years and years of reading what others have to say about basketball, being impressed by some, learning from many and coming across the occassional "Even I can write better than this guy" writers, I have decided to give it a go. I'll try and write my basketball thoughts as they become available. I assume the biggest challenge for me will be regularity.

A bit about my basketball self: I consider myself an average fan, love the game, but don't play it very well. I have as much game as LeBron's neighbor, so I have no illusions of grandeur in terms of actual skill. :) However, I am a die hard fan of the gameand I am under the impression (or false perception) that I understand the game very well.

I've been an NBA fan since the mid 80's. I was a pre-teen in awe of the great Magic Johnson and the 1980's Showtime Lakers but even though the kid in me liked the Lakers, I also liked Bird and the Celtics. In 1988, I saw a few games of the Lakers-Jazz Western Conference semi-finals series and started to like the Jazz. In 1989, I watched the All-star game and on that day, became a Karl Malone fan for life. And even though it has been a long while since that time, and I have come to understand the game itself and the players of that era a lot more as I grew older, my appreciation for the Stockton-to-Malone style of basketball has not ceased.

I'll have lots of time to ramble about that later, but for now, I'll just say that I'm a big fan of team basketball, a big fan of motion offenses vs stand around isolation/matchup post-up offenses and a huge fan of playing the game hard, being classy and just doing things the "Old school" style.

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